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Accessible place to watch local birds when in Longyearbyen. Take a walk from the hide to the dog kennel and back.
Because of the of the risk of PolarBear encounters it is not allowed to go outside the village without a rifle or an armed guard. These places are within the village, so they offer a good possibility to watch local birds safely.
Behind the snow scooter rental is a small blue observation hut. It is a building with a door and furniture inside, but it is open to visitors. You can observe a stretch of coast of the Adventfjord. Usually there are Glaucous Gull, Brent Goose (White bellied), Purple Sandpiper, Common Eider, King Eider, Arctic Skua, Red Phalarope, Arctic Tern, Kittiwake and Snow Bunting From here you can walk to the dog kennel. There are ponds along the way to check. Between the two dog cannels Common Eider nests. Occasionally Ivory Gull visits the dog kennel to feed on the dogfood (seal meat) stored outside, but you need a lot of luck for that!
Easily accesible from the town by a short walk. Nice trip if you have a few hours to spare.
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