Rate birdingplace Paul da Praia da Vitória
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Great place for birding on the Azores island of Terceira. Mainly to observe ducks and herons, but American vagrant birds regularly appear.
Paul da Praia da Vitória is a wetland located in the center of the city of Praia da Vitória, which makes it a peculiar place. Despite the enormous human pressure Paul da Praia has been recovered. In 2009, a long process ofphysical recovery of this wetland was completed and the wetland became a must see place for birdwatchers visiting the Azores, as well as for the local population. Among the birds you can encounter are Barnacle Goose, Pink-footed Goose, Blue-winged Teal, Northern Shoveler, Gadwall, Eurasian Wigeon, American Wigeon, Northern Pintail, Common Teal, Redhead, Common Pochard, Ring-necked Duck, Tufted Duck, Greater Scaup, Lesser Scaup, Hooded Merganser, Striped Crake, Common Snipe, Kittiwake, Bonaparte's Gull, Mediterranean Gull, Ring-billed Gull, Yellow-legged Gull, Great Blue Heron, Grey Heron, Little Egret, Cattle Egret, Glossy Ibis and Blackcap.
Português: Ótimo sítio principalmente para observar patos, garças, onde regularmente aparece aves americanas.
There's parking right next to wetland.
Português: Tem estacionamento mesmo ao lado do Paul.
Absolutly "must see" place on the island! my tick of Redhead in 2017, and Great Blue Heron in 2021
Thank you Marcin, we upgraded the area to A-status.