Rate birdingplace Risorgive di Semonzetto
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Resurgent waters rig along fields and hedges, giving life to this land, under the foot of Monte Grappa.
Risorgive di Semonzetto has hedges, sparse vegetation, grass fields, cultivated fields and flowing cold water. A rich and partially modified land with a fragile set of habitats for some important bird species as environmental indicators, such as Red-backed Shrike and European Stonechat , or European Turtle Dove. Here you can encounter Common Buzzard , Eurasian Nuthatch or some Grey Heron and Cattle Egret , Wren , Goldcrest or Sparrowhawk. The exotic song of the Golden Oriole lulls you into the breeze that shakes the leaves.
Italiano: Siepi, vegetazione rada, prati, campi coltivati, acqua fredda che scorre, un terreno ricco e parzialmente modificato offrono un ricco e delicato insieme di habitat per alcune specie importanti come indicatori ambientali, come Red-backed Shrike e European Stonechat, o European Turtle Dove. Qui puoi incontrare Common Buzzard , Eurasian Nuthatch oppure alcuni Grey Heron e Cattle Egret , Wren , Goldcrest o Sparrowhawk. Il canto esotico del Golden Oriole ti culla tra la brezza che scuote le foglie.
You park along the road or in some open space, and walk south through the fields and paths.
Italiano: Parcheggi lungo la strada o in qualche spiazzo e cammini verso sud attraverso campi e sentieri.