
The Test Way - Stockbridge to Horsebridge

Hampshire  >  United Kingdom

Stockbridge and Horsebridge are in the Test Valley in West Central Hampshire.

Ajouté* par Baz Willmott
Dernière actualisation 26 octobre 2022


The 44 mile long Test Way long distance footpath, here passes through Stockbridge, often said to be England's smallest town and the village of Horsebridge along an old railway line ('Sprat and Winkle Line') for nearly three miles. With car parks at either end you have a choice of start points. The walk includes Stockbridge Common Marsh, managed by The National Trust (Be Aware - Livestock may be present), the area has woodland, dense scrubland and meadows, often EXTREMELY WET during/following periods of heavy rain. Marsh Court Lake holds numerous wildfowl, especially during Winter, unfortunately views of the lake are obstructed by reedbeds, scrubland and trees. A good test of wildfowl in flight awaits birdwatchers. Further South nearer Horsebridge are PRIVATE fishing lakes amongst woodland, whilst there are numerous paths on Stockbridge Common Marsh you can use, further South it is IMPORTANT you do not deviate from the pathway, conflict has occurred in the past with trespassing.

The River Test is one of England's finest chalk rivers, many birds can be found along it's length, here Grèbe castagneux, Fuligule milouin, Canard chipeau, Fuligule morillon, Bouscarle de Cetti, Phragmite des joncs, Rousserolle effarvatte, Bruant des roseaux, Chevalier guignette, Chevalier culblanc, Faucon hobereau, Buse variable, Balbuzard pêcheur, Râle d'eau and Bécassine des marais are all possible depending on season.



The A3057 main road from Andover (to the North) and Romsey (to the South) runs very close to both Stockbridge and Horsebridge. From Romsey leave on A3057 signed Stockbridge, continue on this road and turn Left onto road signed Horsebridge/Houghton/Houghton Lodge Gardens/John O' Gaunt. In Horsebridge turn Left at sign (on grass island) for Houghton, almost immediately turn Left onto narrow road to car park.

From Andover leave on A3057 signed Stockbridge, continue on this A3057 road, on approaching Stockbridge at roundabout take second exit signed Salisbury/Stockbridge A30. At next roundabout take first exit signed Winchester B3049/Romsey/King's Samborne (A3057), next get in Right hand lane and turn Right signed Romsey/King's Samborne A3057. On passing small Chapel and Cemetery (on Right) turn Right signed Marshcourt, the Lion's Den car park is down this road on the Right.

Terrain et Habitat

Forêt , Arbres et buissons disséminés , Prairie , Zone humide , Lac , Agriculture , Rivière , Ville/village


Plat , Marécageux , Glissant



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?

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Printemps , Automne , Migration automnale , Migration printanière , Eté , Hiver


Route pavée , Sentier large , Route non pavée , Sentier étroit

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Vélo , Voiture

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