
Old Sludge Beds and Exe Reed Beds

Devon  >  United Kingdom

Old Sludge Beds and Exe Reed Beds are on the Upper Exe Estuary in South Devon.

Ajouté* par Baz Willmott
Dernière actualisation 20 septembre 2021


Old Sludge Beds and Exe Reed Beds are owned and maintained by Devon Wildlife Trust (DWT). Before 1969 the Old Sludge Beds were used to treat sewage from the City of Exeter. Since the building of the new water treatment works nearby the sludge beds were cleared and returned to nature. The Exe Reed Beds just to the South East is divided from the Sludge Beds by the imposing large flyover of the M5 motorway that spans the estuary at this point. To the North East of the sites is the ever widening River Exe, running along the South West side is the Exeter Ship Canal with more open land further to the South West. Some birds you can expect are Râle d'eau,​ Bouscarle de Cetti,​​​ Rousserolle effarvatte, Hibou des marais, Busard des roseaux as well as many others. There is usually a Étourneau sansonnet 'murmuration' during the winter months.



Leave Central Exeter on the A379, on the outskirts just after Countess Wear (roundabout) the road briefly divides as it crosses the Ship Canal by way of a swing bridge, just before this look for a left turn (signed Countess Wear Water Treatment Works), take this road and use the right hand road into Exeter University Boat Shed where there is a car park (approx 20 spaces). Park here and walk South East beside the Ship Canal to the sites just pass the new water treatment works. For birds on the main River/Estuary (check tide times, see the link below) 2-3 hours before high tide is best because waders depart to high tide roosts. Be sure to check Ship Canal during Autumn/Winter/Spring for unusual Ducks and Grebes.

Terrain et Habitat

Arbres et buissons disséminés , Prairie , Vallée , Rivière , Mer/océan , Roselière , Ville/village , Agriculture , Vasières , Zone humide


Plat , Marécageux , Glissant , Niveau d'eau élevé probable , Paysage ouvert



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?


Saison idéale pour observer

Hiver , Eté , Printemps , Automne

Meilleure période pour une visite

Printemps , Automne , Migration automnale , Migration printanière , Eté , Hiver


Route pavée , Sentier large , Sentier étroit

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Vélo , Voiture

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

BE AWARE. EXE REED BEDS IS A CLOSED RESERVE. DO NOT ENTER (see STAR on map), watch from footpath only. Both of these reserves have NO facilities.


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