
Kingsmill Lake

Cornwall  >  United Kingdom

Kingsmill Lake is in South East Cornwall, just to the North of the town of Saltash.

Ajouté* par Baz Willmott
Dernière actualisation 11 février 2024


Kingsmill Lake is a Western offshoot of the Tamar Estuary, it has a good size saltmarsh that is used as a high tide roost. On it's Southern shore is The China Fleet Club Golf Course, that has a large free car park, the wooded footpath (can be muddy) is beside the golf teeing range, the lake/main estuary is overlooked by two bird hides. To gain access to these hides go to country club reception to get key codes (press STAR on map). Kingsmill Lake has had a number of Nearctic species seen but more usual are Avocette élégante, Chevalier gambette, Bécasseau minute, Bécasseau cocorli, Chevalier culblanc, Chevalier arlequin, Barge à queue noire among many other species.



The A38 runs through the town of Saltash, if travelling East from Cornwall pass through Carkeel Roundabout signed Plymouth. Just before Saltash Tunnel (DO NOT go through tunnel) take left slip road signed Saltmill and follow signs to China Fleet Club. If travelling West (A38) from Plymouth go over Tamar suspension bridge, just before tunnel entrance take left sliproad signed B3217 (North Road), follow signs to Saltmill and then signs to China Fleet Club.

Terrain et Habitat

Arbres et buissons disséminés , Prairie , Rivière , Ville/village , Vasières , Plage , Zone humide , Roselière


Plat , Marécageux , Glissant , Niveau d'eau élevé probable , Paysage ouvert



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?


Saison idéale pour observer

Toute l'année

Meilleure période pour une visite

Migration automnale , Migration printanière , Automne , Printemps , Hiver


Route pavée , Sentier large , Sentier étroit

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Vélo , Voiture

Observatoire/hutte d'observation


Informations supplémentaires

PLEASE NOTE, whilst entry to the 2 bird hides is FREE, the often muddy/wet footpath is unsuitable for wheelchairs and those with reduced mobility, also both hides have steps to gain access and fairly narrow doors. This out of the way and often unvisited site is a bit of a 'local gem' and is now mostly visited by local birders only.

ALSO NOTE, the bird hides have fixed seating, making it difficult to use a telescope with tripod, I advise bringing a hide clamp if possible.

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