
Calshot Marshes - Ashlett Creek - Calshot Spit

Hampshire  >  United Kingdom

Calshot Marshes and area is on the Western shore of Southampton Water in South Hampshire.

Ajouté* par Baz Willmott
Dernière actualisation 6 novembre 2022


Since the former power station at Fawley was demolished, the area is going through big changes, housing is planned to be built, offset by improved habitats for birds. NOTE during the building and habitat improvements some paths may be temporarily closed or rerouted. The North side of Calshot Spit has extensive saltmarsh and mudflats, to the South of the Spit at low tide is mud mixed with stones. During Winter Bernache cravant, Tadorne de Belon, Canard siffleur, Sarcelle d'hiver, Canard pilet, Grèbe huppé, Grèbe castagneux, Harle huppé, Huîtrier pie, Grand Gravelot, Pluvier argenté, Barge à queue noire, Courlis cendré, Bécasseau variable, Chevalier gambette, Chevalier aboyeur and Chevalier guignette are common in various numbers. Landbirds include Rossignol philomèle (in small numbers) and good numbers of Tarier pâtre, Bouscarle de Cetti, Bruant des roseaux, Fauvette pitchou, Pipit maritime and Bouvreuil pivoine. During Summer Phragmite des joncs, Rousserolle effarvatte, Fauvette babillarde are present. For birds feeding on saltmarsh or mudflats a visit 2-3 hours before/after high tide is best (see link to tide table below). The high tide roost is marked on map, press STARS for more information.



Leave Southampton Westwards on A35, on Totton Bypass. At roundabout take first exit signed Fawley A326, at Dibden roundabout take second exit signed Fawley/Hardly/Dibden Purlieu/Superstore A326, at next roundabout take second exit signed Fawley/Holbury/Hardly/Dibden Purlieu A326. At Dibden Purlieu roundabout take second exit signed Fawley/Hardly/Holbury A326, at Hardly roundabout take third exit signed Fawley/Blackfield/Holbury A326. At next roundabout take first exit signed Calshot/Fawley B3053, continue on B3053 road, on passing through Calshot (BE AWARE OF ONE WAY ROADS). On approaching beach road (called Jack Maynard Road) turn Left, continue on this road with beach huts, car park (Fee Payable) is on the Right.

Terrain et Habitat

Arbres et buissons disséminés , Rivière , Mer/océan , Roselière , Ville/village , Agriculture , Vasières , Plage , Zone humide


Plat , Marécageux , Glissant , Paysage ouvert , Niveau d'eau élevé probable



Avez-vous besoin d'une longue-vue?


Saison idéale pour observer

Toute l'année

Meilleure période pour une visite

Hiver , Printemps , Automne , Migration automnale , Migration printanière


Route pavée , Sentier large , Route non pavée , Sentier étroit

Niveau de difficulté de l'itinéraire


Accessible via

A pied , Vélo , Voiture

Observatoire/hutte d'observation



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