Rate birdingplace Riserva Statale Saline di Tarquinia
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Abandoned salt pans declared Ramsar site, Saline di Tarquinia is a stopover and breeding site for waders, terns, ducks and a wintering site for Фламінго.
Walking along the borders of the Riserva Statale Saline di Tarquinia it's easy to observe hundreds of Фламінго, several breeding couples of Крячок річковий, Крячок чорнодзьобий, Крячок малий, Ходулoчник, Чоботар синьоногий, Галагаз євразійський and many other species of ducks, waders and herons.
Cars must be parked at the beggining of the road to the reserve office, which can be followed on foot or by bike. Also the beach is a good option to birdwatch towards the reserve or the sea. Click on the P in the map for directions.