Rate birdingplace Oasi LIPU Massaciuccoli
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Lake Massaciuccoli and the surrounding large wetlands. More than 200 different species of birds can be observed in a year.
Lake Massaciuccoli is a coastal lagoon. Nowadays the lake is entirely a freshwater lake. This represents the most important wetland of Tuscany. The naturalistic path within the Nature Reserve consists of a wooden walkway on stilts for a length of about 800 meters. Short branches lead to the four observatories, two of which overlook the lake, the other two observatories overlook the reedbeds. At the end of the path you can reach an additional raised observatory and a characteristic "garden for butterflies".
The Nature Reserve also offers several possibilities of excursion on the water, by boat or in canoe. Due to its special location this is an exceptional place for migratory birds. The lake and nature reserve are home to many species in all seasons. Some of the interesting birds that can be seen are Скопа, Лунь очеретяний, Бугай водяний, Бугайчик, Мала біла чапля, Чапля єгипетська, Очеретянка велика, Очеретянка тонкодзьоба and Ремез звичайний.
To get to the Reserve you need to travel the A12 Genoa-Livorno motorway and go out to the tollbooth of Pisa Nord. Just entered on the Aurelia turn immediately on the right in Via Traversagna and travel about 7 kilometers following the directions to Massaciuccoli and to the Reserve. You can park the car at the visitors centre. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
Чапля жовта Чапля руда Чепура велика All showing very well on Monday 23 August 2021. All hides but one closed due to pandemic.
28 April 2023. Одуд, Очеретянка середземноморська, Очеретянка лучна, Кропив’янка чорноголова, Таміка віялохвоста, Очеретянка велика, Мартин тонкодзьобий, Коровайка бура, Мала біла чапля, Бугайчик, Чапля жовта and Чапля руда.
Бугай водяний, Чапля руда, Чапля жовта, Очеретянка ставкова, Лунь очеретяний, Крутиголовка звичайна, Ходулoчник, Мартин звичайний on 24 july 2022
The boat tour is very nice. Чапля жовта, Бугайчик, Чапля руда and Ібіс священний. Бджолоїдка звичайна closeby at the bigger road. Check the electricity wires.