Rate birdingplace Lake Balık
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The lake is located in high altitude of mountains. Special area with high elavation species such as Kar serçesi and Dağ incirkuşu.
Lake Balık is a good place to escape the summer heat and feel the cool air. In the area you can find Kar serçesi, Tepeli patka, Van gölü Martısı, Dağ incirkuşu and many more. This is also an ex-breeding habitat of Kadife ördek. Besides these birds Alamecek, Delice doğan, Angit and Kızılbacak can be seen. The Kızılbacak breeds in the wet medows around the lake which can be noisy if you are too close to the nesting places. The island in the lake hosts many gulls during their breeding season. You can drive almost all around lake by car. The whole area is beautiful with the tiypical Eastern Anatolian landscape structure.
Best way to explore the Lake Balık area is by car. You can park easily almost everywhere. Click on a P in the map for directions or coordinates.