
Ribera del Odra en Castrojeriz

Burgos  >  Spain

The Odra river is framed between moors from Castrillo to its mouth in the Pisuerga, forming a narrow plain. Chance to see steppebirds like Toy.

Added* by Roberto Negro
Most recent update 31 Mart 2020


In Ribera del Odra en Castrojeriz you can see in a short route birds associated with steppe environments together with species associated with riverside forest and river environments. Toy can be seen on the plains adjacent to the east of Castrillo. Other nice birds you can encounter are Çayır delicesi, Gökkuzgun, Üveyik, Yılan Kartalı and Kızıl akbaba.


Espagnol: Ubicado en una llanura cerealera el río Odra queda enmarcado entre páramos desde Castrillo hasta su desembocadura en el Pisuerga formando una estrecha vega. En un recorrido corto se pueden observar aves asociadas a ambientes esteparios junto a especies asociadas a ambientes de bosque de ribera o ambientes fluviales. En las llanuras adyacences al este de Castrillo se pueden observar avutardas.



The area can be accessed by car on an unpaved road. Park the car by the bridge and explore the area on foot. It's an easy walk on a flat road without any difficulty.


Espagnol: Se puede acceder en coche por un camino sin asfaltar, aparacar el coche junto al puente y caminar por camino llano sin ninguna dificultad.

Terrain and Habitat

Plain , Steppe , Scattered trees and bushes


Dry , Open landscape , No shadow

Circular trail


Is a telescope useful?

Can be useful

Good birding season

Summer , Spring

Best time to visit



Unpaved road

Difficulty walking trail


Accessible by

Foot , Bicycle , Car

Birdwatching hide / platform


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