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Jewel Lake in the Tilden Nature Area is a small pond fed by Wildcat Creek, surrounded by freshwater wetland and forest habitat, with a variety of birds.
Jewel Lake, Wildcat Creek and the trails that surround them, offer exceptional riparian, freshwater pond, oak woodland, conifer / eucalyptus forest, and other habitats where birds can be seen at fairly close range.
Jewel lake can be reached by driving to the Tilden Little Farm area, then walking a short distance (about 0.3 mile) on a wide, flat unpaved trail. Once there, there is an extensive trail network. Click on the P in the map for directions to the parking area.
IMPORTANT: as with all birding locations in the bay area, don't leave valuables in your car. Avoid leaving rucksacks / backpacks, purses or other bags in view through the car window.
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