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Salt marsh city park just south of St. Augustine. Great for wintering sparrows.
Dr. Robert B. Hayling Freedom Park is a nice, easy walk surrounded by salt marshes on all sides. It is one of the best places for Seaside Sparrow, Nelson's Sparrow, and Saltmarsh Sparrow in the winter months. Additionally, Clapper Rail is a frequent resident in the salt marshes as well.
Dr. Robert B. Hayling Freedom Park is located at Riberia Street in St. Augustine. Parking is found at the end of Riberia Street. Press P on the map for directions. The park is open daily from sunrise to sunset, and there is no entry fee.
High tide is the best for wintering sparrows as the tide pushes them closer to the paths. Check any of the bushes along the perimeter. The bushes in the northeast area of the park are quite good as well.
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