
Cottonwood Lake - Hellyer County Park

California  >  United States

Cottonwood is a small lake in Hellyer County Park. Next to picnic areas and connected to a trail along Coyote Creek, it offers a variety of birds and habitats.

Tillagd* av rrludman
Senast uppdaterad 6 mars 2024


Cottonwood Lake in Hellyer County park is a great destination for freshwater water fowl, shorebirds, and migrating songbirds. Parking is abundant in the winter months but can fill up quickly on weekends. Restrooms are located nearby. The lake is surrounded by lawn and trees, and is immediately adjacent to the riparian habitat along Coyote Creek. A trail follows the creek, connecting to another park further to the North.

Regular visitors include American Coot, Mallard, ,Canada Goose and Pied-billed Grebe. In the winter it's possible to see Hooded Merganser, Canvasback, Ruddy Duck, and many gulls. In the spring and summer Barn Swallow, Northern Rough-winged Swallow, Tree Swallow and Violet-green Swallow are found over the lake. Along with the Canada Goose flock, less common geese such as Cackling Goose, Snow Goose, Ross's Goose and Greater White-fronted Goose occasionally show up.

A number of oak woodlands species can be found in the surrounding park, including Hutton's Vireo, Ash-throated Flycatcher and Nuttall's Woodpecker. Warbling Vireos and Black-headed Grosbeaks can be heard singing from the riparian areas along Coyote Creek in the Summer. A variety of birds pass through this area on migration, including Wilson's Warbler, Western Tanager, Yellow Warbler and others.

A number of infrequent or rare migrants have been spotted here in the past, including American Redstart, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Townsend's Solitaire Yellow-breasted Chat, Horned Lark, Hammond's Flycatcher, Prairie Falcon, Yellow-bellied Sapsucker, Black-chinned Hummingbird, Vaux's Swift, Redhead and others.



The lake is accessible with a $6 entry fee to Hellyer county park. Parking is ample during the winter months and during the week. Parking can be more difficult in the summer. The route around the lake is paved with many benches. Click on the P in the map for directions to the parking.

Terräng och habitat

Sjö , Skog , Spridda träd och buskar , Slätt , Stad/by , Flod





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Vinter , Vårsträck , Höststräck


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