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Woolston Eyes is a Site of Special Scientific Interest located in the town of Warrington, England. 232 different bird species have been seen here.
The four beds at Woolston Deposit Grounds SSSI, are managed as a nature reserve. An oasis in the urban heart of North West England. No.3 bed lies to the north of a meander of the river and was made into an island by the diversion of the river along its north bank. The north and east sides of the bed is shallowly flooded. The western and southern half of the bed is covered in dense vegetation. Wild flower meadows and winter feed crops have been introduced into this area, to increase the habitat diversity. The site attracts high numbers of wildfowl, gulls and management of the water levels attracts passage waders. In all, 232 species have been recorded on the Reserve, including thirteen species of raptor, more than thirty species of wader, all five grebes, the three woodpeckers, and five species of owl.
The Woolston Eyes Reserve is situated to the east of Warrington between the River Mersey and the Manchester Ship Canal near Latchford Locks and the Thelwall Viaduct which carries the M6 Motorway over both the River and the Canal.
There are two entrances to Woolston Eyes: one via Weir Lane, footpath only, and one adjacent to the Manchester Ship Canal by Latchford Locks for vehicle access and walkers. A permit and key is required to access the vehicle barriers and gated footbridge to No. 3 bed, the principle area of the Reserve, which is open from 8:00am throughout the year. The Reserve closing time varies with the seasons and is generally; 16:00hrs in winter, 18:00-19:00 hrs through spring and autumn and 20:00hrs in summer. £15-00 for a single permit, see the weblink below on how to get a permit.
If you want to explore the area without permit, a public footpath runs from the end of Weir Lane (Note: please do not park cars in Weir Lane as it restricts access for residents) along the west side of No.2 bed and the north side of the canal to Thelwall Lane. Access to other parts of the Reserve is strictly limited to permit holders between the hours noted on the entrance gate throughout the year.
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