
Woody Bay - Crock Point - Lee Bay

Devon  >  United Kingdom

Woody Bay, Crock Point and Lee Bay, are located on the North Devon Coast.

Tillagd* av Baz Willmott
Senast uppdaterad 17 juli 2021
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These three coastal sites are just West of The Valley of Rocks (see separate entry). But are different in being more heavily wooded with mostly deciduous trees and fast flowing streams were forsärla are possible. In places there are some tall conifer trees, so look out for kungsfågel. Nearer the coast at Crock Point Pilgrimsfalk, tretåig mås, stormfågel, sillgrissla, tordmule, havssula, stenskvätta, svarthakad buskskvätta and hämpling can be seen. Further inland in wooded areas, sadly suffering from the felling of many Ash trees in recent years, during Summer you can expect to see rödstjärt, lövsångare, gransångare and svartvit flugsnappare.



The A39 runs from Porlock (to the East), along the coast to the twin towns of Lynton and Lynmouth, on arriving in Lynton, look for signs to The Valley of Rocks, BE AWARE if travelling from this direction you will encounter a TOLL ROAD at Lee Abbey. If travelling from Barnstable (to the West), follow A39 (North East) to Lynton and Lynmouth, on passing the railway station of the Lynton & Barnstable Railway (on the Left), turn North (Left) on narrow roads towards Martinhoe, look for road signs to Lee Bay/ The Valley of Rocks, this coastal road eventually turns wooded as you approach Lee Bay.

Terräng och habitat

Skog , Spridda träd och buskar , Slätt , Dal , Flod , Hav / ocean , Stad/by , Jordbruk , Strand , Kanjon/klippa


Kulligt , Klippigt , Öppet landskap , Halt



Tubkikare behövs?

Kan vara användbart

Bästa säsong för skådning

Året runt

Bästa tid för ett besök

Sommar , Vårsträck , Vår , Höst , Höststräck , Vinter


Asfalterad väg , Bred stig , Grusväg , Smal stig

Hur ansträngande vandring

Genomsnittlig vandring


Till fots , Cykel , Bil

Fågeltorn / plattform


Extra information

BE WARNED the cliffs at Crock Point are very high and should only be attempted during daylight hours.

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