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Woodgreen - Godshill Inclosure is within the New Forest in West Hampshire.
A heavily wooded area just South of the village of Woodgreen and is on the Western edge of the New Forest. The area includes heathland, open grassland, scrubland and excellent tree cover. Before trees get into full leaf, visit during March to early April for the best chance to see mindre hackspett in treetops. At other times stenknäck, nattskärra, trädlärka, trädpiplärka and provencesångare can all be expected.
From the carpark at Castle Hill (press STAR on map), walk down to a bend in the River Avon. ägretthäger, kungsfiskare, cettisångare, gräshoppsångare, lärkfalk and gulärla are often seen here, depending on season of course.
The A388 main road running from Bournemouth (far to the South) to Salisbury (far to the North) is just to the West of the site. In the small village of Breamore turn East at sign Woodgreen & village shop/Hale (unsuitable for long vehicles). At Godshill Inclosure there are a number of car parks, NOTE there is no overnight parking. Click on a P in the map for directions. The circular route indicated on the map is about 2 miles.
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