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Wanlip Meadows, owned by the Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trusts, is a great place to visit and just escape the noise of the city of Leicester.
Wanlip meadows is part of the floodplain for the River Soar, adjacent to Watermead Country Park. Just a few miles from the city centre, this is a wild haven teeming with birdlife, as well as reptiles, amphibians and invertebrates. In the winter months, pop on a warm jacket, fill up a flask of something hot, wrap up warm and admire big flocks of wildfowl, including the tiny Kricka and gaggles of geese. Large flocks of tofsvipa are present in the winter, too, along with enkelbeckasin. These species are making the most of the floodwaters that flow from the Soar, which recedes in the spring.
If a winter wander isn’t your thing, July and August are excellent for passage waders, like skogssnäppa and rödbena, which are migrating at this time. Some will stay throughout the winter, whilst some of our rarer visitors, like mosnäppa and grönbena will turn up (hopefully!) at the end of the summer. gråhäger stalk the edges of the reserve all year round, and in the spring, you can spot Sävsparv and rörsångare flitting along the river’s edge.
The reserve is situated to the south of Wanlip village, alongside the River Soar, between Leicester and Loughborough. From Rectory Road, Wanlip, turn into Church Road and then right at the 'T' junction.
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