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This the smallest of several reservoirs feeding the Grand Union Canal. However, it can harbour species not seen on the adjacent, larger resevoirs. No guarantee.
Unlike the nearby Marsworth and Startops reservoirs, Tringford has a substantial area of shallow water and potential mud. These can attract a complementary range of species to the others, such as Silkeshäger and mindre strandpipare. There's also an area of accessible woodland for variety.
This is probably the least accessible of this group of reservoirs (which can limit disturbance). Car parking is availble on nearby roads, but this is not guaranteed. There is a public (paid) carpark on the other side of Startops Reservoir.
On site, paths are level but unsurfaced and can be muddy, only partly accessible to wheelchairs. A circular route (2,3 km) diverts away from the reservoir, partly along a road, where caution is needed.
There are no toilets or other facilities. The deep end is viewable from Tringford Road and the embankment. However, it's worth the walk to the hide, on the chance of something different.
Much of the reservoir is fished by an angling society; take care not to use their entrance from Tringford Road or to cause disturbance.. Some species, eg, Storskarv appear to have been discouraged.
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