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Thornham Estate has a beautiful countryside with ancient parkland, woodland, farmland and water meadows. Two walks to choose from starting at the cafe.
The 12 miles of waymarked footpaths within the Thornham Estate wind through beautiful countryside. Two walks leave cafe and parking area. The short walk (indicated on the map below) is all tarmac and easily accessible. It has a bird hide where lots of blåmes, talgoxe and Nötväcka can be seen. The long walk is across fields and very quiet. Keep your eyes open for domherre, nötskrika, rödvingetrast, ormvråk and Silkeshäger.
Park in the visitor carpark. Click on the P in the map to get directions. There is a charge for the car park: £ 2 all day on weekdays and £ 3 all day on weekends and bank holidays. Nice cafe on site. Good pub 5 min drive away. The short walk is suitable for pushchairs and wheelchairs, which leads for half a mile to the Thornham Walled Garden, passing on your way the renovated hermitage and pets’ cemetery. Thornham is a working estate and visitors are asked to keep to waymarked trails.
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