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Swanpool (not to be confused with the North Devon place of the same name), is in the town of Falmouth.
Swanpool is a brackish lagoon, separated from the sea by a wide sand bar and beach. The bar/beach is so wide that a car park has been built on it right next to the lake. From this car park area you can check the beach and sea for Gulls/Divers/Grebes and Seaducks. At the Northern end of the lake is a Local Nature Reserve where wintering warblers can be found. The Western bank of the lake is more heavily wooded than the Eastern, making it better for Passerines but obscuring the lake at times. At it's North West edge is another Local Nature Reserve in a wooded valley offshoot , also the lake is home to a population of very rare Bryozoans.
The A39 runs direct to the town of Falmouth, look for signs to Swanpool and Gyllyngvase Beach, the car park is at the Southern end.
As is usually the case in the South West, beaches can get VERY busy during the Summer months, an earlier morning (or dull day) visit may be best.
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