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Situated on the north side of Christchurch Harbour, this reserve has a mixture of waterside habitats.
The 65 hectare site of Stanpit Marsh Nature Reserve includes marginal estuarine habitats such as salt marsh, reed beds, freshwater marsh, gravel banks and sandy scrub. There are over 300 species of plants, 14 of which are nationally rare and endangered. It's a Site of Special Scientific Interest, managed by BCP (Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole) Council.
There's a car park just off Stanpit next to Stanpit Recreation Ground, from where the reserve can be accessed on foot (BH23 3LX ). Wilts and Dorset operate bus routes X1 and X2 to and from Stanpit. Dogs can be freely exercised on the Recreation Ground (not part of the reserve), but must be on leads within the reserve, at all times. The paths are well made and wheelchair accessible; there are signs restricting access to certain areas.
After heavy rain, the paths may be flooded, so wellies are recommended.
There are no refreshment or toilet facilities on site, but Christchurch is close by. The site is flat and liable to flooding.
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