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An exceptionally special place for migration on the East Coast of England. A thin sliver of dunes and marram grass extends into the Humber estuary.
Spurn Point is one of the most striking features of Britain's coastline, stretching for three and a half miles across the Humber Estuary. This curving spit is only 50 metres wide in places, making it look like an elongated tongue. Habitats found here include chalk grassland, mature sand dunes, sandy beaches on the seaward side and mud flats on the estuary side. A Mecca of 327 hectares for birdwatchers. Many rarities can be spotted here, along with thousands of migrants and winter visitors. See the birdlist below.
A dedicated pay and display car park is available on the approach road to the nature reserve, opposite the Spurn Discovery Centre. Click on the P in the map to get directions. Parking is free for members of Yorkshire Wildlife Trust and residents. Reaching Spurn point on foot is a long walk (6 km one way) but in summer small trips are offered. You can also explore the area by bike or aboard a 'Spurn Safari'.
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