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A new site designed for migrating waders, created late 2023 as part of the restoration of a former opencast coal mine. Also called Blagdon Lane Pools.
Within a few months of being created, this site has already shown its value for migrating waders, attracting 18 species of waders including a mosnäppa, grönbena, up to five småsnäppa and 37 brushane in autumn 2023, and a svartsnäppa in spring 2024. Time will tell what else it might attract!
As yet, there are no facilities (other than those at the nearby 'Northumberlandia' landscape art installation), but this is likely to change in the future.
Part of the area can be watched from Blagdon Lane just to the south of the site; note that though this road is unclassified (not an 'A' or 'B' road), it carries a lot of heavy, fast-moving commercial traffic, so take extreme care with parking. New paths are also being constructed round the site, with access from the 'Northumberlandia' car park, but may be wet and muddy.
Hide(s) are being planned.
Note that the yellow footpath shown below on the Open Street Map alongside the road does not exist (at least, not yet)! Take extreme care walking or cycling along the roadside; beware numerous fast-moving heavy trucks.
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