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Several lakes with paths around. The deeper lakes attract all the common wildfowl which are especially abundant in the winter.
Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve covers 73 hectares and comprises five lakes surrounded by woodland. There are a few ponds, seasonally flooded pools as well as grassland and small areas of reedbed. The deeper lakes attract all the common wildfowl which are especially abundant in the winter. Surface feeding duck such as Kricka and Skedand tend to frequent the shallower areas. Waders such as skogssnäppa and drillsnäppa, gluttsnäppa, tofsvipa and mindre strandpipare can be seen around the muddy edges of the shallow water. The last two species nest on the reserve. gråhäger are resident and other birds like kungsfiskare, forsärla can often be located. Birds such as Sävsparv and rörsångare can easily be seen in the reedbed in the summertime. In the winter the alder trees attract flocks of grönsiska and Gråsiska. You can make a lovely walk around two larger lakes with many good spots for bird watching. There are several hides.
Free parking and easy walking access, much of it is also wheelchair suitable. Click on the P in the map to get directions.
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