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A 60 hectares country park that was once part of a large coal mine that closed in 1996. More than 150 bird species have been recorded in the area.
Sence Valley Forest Park includes the River Sence and three major lakes, which attract a wide variety of wildfowl. Large areas of the site are planted with Corsican pine, larch and poplars, In addition, a range of native broadleaf trees have been planted to give variety and provide a habitat for wildlife. Meadows and open glades in the woodland also provide habitats for birds. You can explore the mixed forest on the network of trails and visit the bird hide and viewing screen. Among the birds you can encounter are knölsvan, Smådopping, vigg, Storskarv, gråhäger, stjärtmes, forsärla, Gröngöling, Sävsparv and domherre.
Visitor centre location: Sence Valley, Ravenstone Road, Ibstock LE67 6NW. Click on the P in the map to get directions. Nearest access road: A447 Ravenstone – Ibstock. The circular walking route indicated on the map is about 3 km long.
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