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City park in Edinburgh. Saughton Park and Gardens first opened to the public in 1910 but the history of Saughton dates back to the 1100s.
Saughton Park is a public park in Edinburgh. It includes formal gardens, specimen trees, exotic plant greenhouses and a cafe and is located on a river. Several species of bird nest in Saughton Park and visit to forage for food. Look out for kungsfiskare flying low and fast over the river as it looks for fish and a regular visitor. The gråhäger is often spotted at the weir at Fords Road. Among the other birds you can observe in the park and along the river are kungsfågel, trädkrypare, storskrake, stjärtmes, bofink and tornfalk.
Saughton Park is located 4 km west of Edinburgh city centre and easy to reach on foot or by public transport. Bus: Serviced by Lothian bus route 22, 3, 33, 36, 1, 30. Bus stop closeby. Tram: the Balgreen road access point is a 4 minute walk from the Edinburgh Trams Balgreen tram stop. If you arrive by car: there are two car parks either side of the park. Click on a P in the map for directions.
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