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A mosaic of habitats of 870 hectares located on the Humber Estuary. An important location for rödbena with the site holding around 70 pairs.
Tetney Marshes boast a varied mosaic of habitats including salt marsh, sandy beaches, dunes, mudflats and lagoons. In autumn you can see flocks of prutgås, kustsnäppa, ljungpipare and sandlöpare. The site also attracts wintering blå kärrhök and vinterhämpling.
During the summer, the air is filled with the songs of sånglärka, rörsångare, sävsångare and törnsångare to name a few. Its a great site to visit year round for a good variety of species.
RSPB Tetney Marshes is located immediately southeast of the town of Humberston. Follow the A180 through Grimsby and into Cleethorpes. Follow Kings Road until the roundabout for Thorpe Park and take the exit onto Anthony’s Bank Road. Continue past Thorpe Park and into Humberston Fitties holiday village. Continue through the one way system until you reach the car park over the flood bank. Click on the P in the map for directions to the car park. From the car park you can explore the area on foot.
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