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Newport Wetlands National Nature Reserve lies between the Severn Estuary and the River Usk on the South Wales coast.
The new reedbeds, saline lagoons and wet grasslands have already attracted a wealth of wetland birds including internationally important number of overwintering Skedand and stjärtand with numbers of bläsand and Kricka rapidly approaching the same level of importance. Other wintering wildfowl include snatterand, brunand and knipa, with the occasional bergand.
rördrom may be seen at the Uskmouth Reedbeds in winter along with blå kärrhök and jorduggla. Up to 50,000 stare use the reedbeds to roost in winter.
The scrub around the reedbeds has cettisångare which are resident all year, a recent survey revealed around 70 singing males! Also rörsångare and sävsångare in summer along with a few gräshoppsångare in the reedbeds through the summer. A good number of ärtsångare are found around the hedgerows during the summer and are joined passage rödstjärt, svart rödstjärt, buskskvätta and flycatchers during the spring an autumn.
By car, join the A48 at either junction 24 or 28 of the M4. Follow the A48 until you come to the Spytty Retail Park roundabout. Exit onto the A4810 Queensway Meadows. At the first roundabout take the third exit onto Meadows Road and follow the brown tourist signs to the reserve. By bike, Sustrans National Cycle Network route 4 has a branch to Newport Wetlands using existing roads. The car park has a covered cycle stand. By bus, number 63 bus from Newport city centre goes to the visitor centre, is a demand responsive service.
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