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Open shingle, fresh water pits, wet grassland and stunning wildflower meadows.
The UK's only official "Desert". The RSPB reserve itself has a visitor centre and has 6 large hides. Target species include rördrom, brun kärrhök, salskrake, knipa and svarthakedopping. Dungeness itself offers good sea watching opportunities and there is also a Bird Observeratory. Dungeness is one of the best places for wildlife in the UK and designated as a Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and a Natura 2000 site.
By road: One mile out of Lydd on the Dungeness Road turn right for the main site. The visitor centre and car park are one mile along the entrance track.
By train: The nearest station is Rye, 10 miles (16 km) from the reserve. You can then take the bus 100 to Lydd, and bus 11/11A/11B (not Sundays) from Lydd to the reserve.
By Bus: Bus services 11/11A/11B from Ashford via Lydd (not Sundays) stop on request at the reserve entrance from where there is a one-mile walk to the Visitor Centre. There is a limited service on bus 102 from Lydd or Folkestone. The nearest stops on Sundays are at either Lydd or Lydd-on-Sea (The Pilot Inn).
There is a two-mile circular trail around the reserve.
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