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RSPB Balranald includes the westernmost point of North Uist, which offers a chance to spot a wide variety of birds, including the elusive kornknarr.
A superb circuit of the RSPB nature reserve on the very western tip of North Uist, the Aird an Runair peninsula, with an impressive rocky foreshore and two sandy beaches goes through wildflower-rich machair and round a bird-rich headland. There are lots of opportunities to see birds such as kornknarr, kornsparv and tofsvipa (depending on the season of course) and possibly an otter. The environment is now being carefully managed to increase its suitability for ground-nesting birds and insects like the great yellow bumble-bee. There is an RSPB visitor centre on site, at the start of the walk.
The walk is just off the A865 on the western coast of North Uist. Watch out for signs to the nature reserve at Hougharry and the camping site. Using public transport, the site can also be reached using the W17 bus from Sollas.
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