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Rame Head is in South East Cornwall. Whilst it is renowned as a seawatching site, it is also very good for landbird migrants during Spring/Autumn.
The Rame Peninsula covers a large area, comprising of short grass, shrubs, brambles, windblown trees and areas of wild flowers. When seawatching the area is very exposed and has few places to shelter, other than the few buildings (some of which are ruins) and small trees and shrubs (called brakes here) forming places to get out of the wind, or if unlucky rain. For seabirds the Southern slopes are best, check the Tree/Shrub and Hedgerow areas for arriving/departing migrant landbirds. NOTE Polhawn Fort on the West side is PRIVATE, but the South West Coast Path surrounds the area. There is a car park (small fee payable) by the Coastguard Lookout.
From Plymouth take car/bus/pedestrian ferry to Torpoint, then the A374 to the village of Anthony, take the left fork onto the B3247 marked Tregantle, turn left onto road marked Millbrook, on passing large car park on the left the road sweeps to the left, take the first turning right opposite a car park usually filled with piles of road gravel. This road follows the coast with frequent pull ins enabling you to check the bay for Divers/Grebes/Sea Ducks. Continue along this road and take a right to Rame. When approaching Rame and Church take the right road to car park.
Rame Head has numerous paths throughout, ideal when wind direction can be variable here, enabling the seawatcher to move and get better shelter, as is the norm when seawatching full waterproofs may be needed. BE AWARE this area can get VERY busy during Summer months, with car parking at a premium.
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