
Monikie Country Park

Angus, Scotland  >  United Kingdom

Former reservoir that is now a country park. One of the best locations in Scotland for dvärgmås migration in early spring.

Tillagd* av Stuart Green
Senast uppdaterad 6 januari 2025
Denna lokal har inte betygsatts än. Var den första att betygsätta området med 1 till 5 stjärnor


Monikie Country Park is developed around two former reservoirs and has woodland and parkland. The 140 acres of open water, banks and islands are an important home to a variety of water birds. You can make a 3 km circular walk around the reservoirs. Busy at times but usually worth a look any time of year. Year round of interest for gulls, wildfowl, waders and feeding Fiskgjuse in summer. And Monikie Country Park is one of the best locations in Scotland for dvärgmås migration in early spring.



Monikie Country Park is located approximately 15 kilometers (about 9 miles) northeast of Dundee. From Dundee take the A92 towards Arbroath, look out for signs and turn left (North) on to the B962 at Ardestie Junction. Follow the B962/B961 signs to the park. Press P on the map for directions. There is also an irregular bus service. A restaurant operates throughout the summer.

Terräng och habitat

Skog , Våtmark , Spridda träd och buskar , Sjö , Park


Platt , Öppet landskap



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Vår , Vårsträck


Asfalterad väg , Bred stig , Grusväg , Smal stig

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Till fots , Cykel , Rullstol

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