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This is a country park in an area where there has been a lot of China clay extraction. It has plenty of water birds and also a good variety of woodland birds.
The area is flat but tends to get muddy in the winter. There is a car park but be aware that the gates are locked at dusk. If the place is locked, there is parking on the road nearby (at Watercolour housing development). Mercer's Park takes a couple of hours to explore thoroughly. There are several lakes. The most productive one is usually Spyne's Mere, which is a designated nature reserve. On a good day you can see a good variety of water birds, with a few skäggdopping, bläsand and many Kricka, vigg, snatterand and Smådopping.
You can often find grönsiska and brunsiska in the alder trees and winter thrushes. Less easy to find are Tornuggla and occasional salskrake.
There are plenty of backsvala in season, which sometimes attract lärkfalk. Warblers and finches are plentiful.
The country park is at:
Nutfield Surrey RH1 4EU OS Map Reference TQ291513 & TQ 307524
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