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A beautiful woodland, ancient in parts. Forest road and walks and river through it.
Llantrisant Forest is about 250 hectares big. Many trails to choose from and explore the forest. In the area I have seen kungsfiskare, gråhäger, strömstare, gärdsmyg, Nötväcka, ormvråk, rödhake, forsärla, gulärla and Sädesärla ssp yarrellii.
There is a designated car park in the forest. Click on the P in the map to get directions. The circular route indicated on the map is about 4 km long.
I am a wheelchair user so have only done my birding from the car. But there are many trails for biking and walking to get to the deeper parts of the woods, But as I say I have seen all of these birds from sitting in the car, and just moving through the woods.
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