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Ex-reservoir that covers an area of approximately 151 hectares. Close to upland areas.
Lintrathen Reservoir is a large man-made loch that is a significant site for birds. The lake is year round of interest, breeding wildfowl, passage waders and wintering wildfowl. Large numbers of geese in winter, usually best around sunrise, gull roost in evenings then too.
Lintrathen Reservoir is situated at the southern end of Glen Isla, 6 km northeast of Alyth and 12 km west of Kirriemuir. Follow signs for Lintrathen from Kirriemuir. Press P on the map for directions. There are two hides on the banks of the loch, which can be accessed by separate paths. Roadside car parking is available off a minor road to the west of the loch. A forest track leads to the hide. The second hide can be accessed by parking in a small layby (for two cars) off the minor road to the east of the loch. Go through the gate on the opposite side of the road to get to the hide, which is wheelchair accessible.
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