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Area of tidal marsh and wetland with some heathland, facing the Solent, between Keyhaven and Lymington.
Keyhaven and Pennington Marshes are sheltered by the Hurst Spit and part of a larger National Nature Reserve. The variety of habitats and the lack of sheltered alternatives to the west, attract a wide range of residents and passage migrants, including rarities.
Access within the reserve, is by level footpaths, although descent from the sea wall can be steep. Cyclists use the sea wall. Wheelchairs are not recommended.
The best point of entry is close to the car park in Keyhaven (fee payable, £9 for a full day; early arrival is strongly recommended), although entry is possible via various routes from Lymington.
Apart from toilets and shops in Keyhaven and Lymington, there are neither shops nor toilets. There's also a pub at the Salterns. The seawall path is exposed, so ensure you are dressed suitably, with water and sunscreen. The species present depends upon the season in which the visit is made.
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