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A country park built on the site of a former colliery. The park is a home to up to 100 species of birds near Penshaw monument.
Herrington Country Park at Penshaw, near Sunderland, has lots of different well maintained walks, and has a wide variety of birds to observe. Many different species of birds can be observed on the several manmade ponds, with some great photographic opportunities. Birds include sothöna, rörhöna, kanadagås, grågås, tofsvipa, Smådopping, gråhäger, knölsvan, several species of gulls, tornfalk, Sävsparv, bofink, steglits and domherre. You can walk up to Penshaw Monument to get fantastic views of the Northeast of England.
By road it is possible to go by car or cycle to the site on the A183, one mile from the A19. There is parking at Herrington Country Park. A number of buses stop at or near the base of Penshaw Hill, including the 2, 2A and 78.
In the park you can walk around areas of open grassland and tree areas with the many lakes all perfectly positioned to view swans, cormorants, geese, ducks, gulls and a wide variety of birds. It has excellent access with viewing boardwalks on the edge of the lakes.
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