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Sandy, muddy seashores, sand dunes, salt marshes and fresh water habitats on the Lincolnshire coast, a birdwatcher's treat.
Gibraltar Point National Nature Reserve is a dynamic stretch of unspoilt coastline running southwards from the edge of Skegness to the mouth of the Wash. Covering 1,100 acres of pristine coastline and recognised as an area of international importance. The reserve extends about three miles along the Lincolnshire coast from Skegness to the entrance of the Wash. Sandy and muddy seashore, sand dunes, salt marsh and freshwater marsh with ponds and lagoons are home to a rich assemblage of coastal wildflowers and many birds. The Visitor Centre includes a cafe and gift shop.
In spring, the first of the migrants stop off to refuel or establish territories. In summer, småtärna may be seen fishing in the shallows and sånglärka are in full song above the purple haze of the salt marshes. In autumn, huge whirling flocks of waders can be seen on the high tides. And in winter, wildfowl include prutgås, gravand, bläsand and Kricka, with birds of prey including blå kärrhök, stenfalk and owls. Visible migration can be impressive during spring and autumn.
There are two car parks at Gibraltar Point - North Car Park and the larger Visitor Centre Car Park. Click on a P in the map to get directions. There is a charge of £ 2 for 2 hours or £ 5 for the day which covers both car parks. Ticket machines are cash only. Most paths are level and well surfaced but may be muddy at times, some hides are accessible for wheelchairs.
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