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A lowland raised bog of 350 hectares with a famous nest for Fiskgjuse.
Foulshaw Moss is a raised bog in Cumbria. Despite peat having been cut at the site in the past, this raised bog retains some of its dome of peat that is higher than the surrounding land. Although the landscape is challenging, a boardwalk makes visiting easy-going, with routes leading through peaty pools or out onto the open moss. This Cumbria Wildlife Trust site is most famous for its Fiskgjuse nest, but many other good birds can be found, including brunsiska, trädpiplärka and pilfink.
There is a small car park on a minor road off the A590. The nearest postcode is LA11 6SN. Click on the P in the map to get directions. There are boardwalks from which you can explore the reserve. The circular walk marked on the map is about 1 km long.
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