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The southern end of the Trinity Broads network, both Filby & Ormesby Broads are worth birding at any time of year.
Filby Broad and Little Ormesby Broad are both large, open, waterbodies on the eastern edge of the Norfolk Broads, and both have great potential to attract rare wildfowl, grebes, terns and more. A short walk from the car park, Filby Broad is viewable from a boardwalk on its northern edge, just off the A1064 road. This lake is large, and a scope is recommended to check the distant edges for ducks. Ormesby Little Broad, the lake on the north side of the A1064, has a short nature trail leading from the car park which takes you to a viewpoint.
Throughout the year, check the car park area for entita, and if you're lucky, you may spot a passing kungsfiskare or flyover brun kärrhök. A few skäggdopping, Storskarv and gråhäger will be in the area. In winter, expect to find knipa as well as a selection of other common wildfowl including vigg, brunand, snatterand and Skedand. After particularly cold or stormy weather, you are in with a chance of finding something rarer. Sightings may include salskrake, bergand, alfågel, svarthakedopping, svarthalsad dopping, gråhakedopping or even svartnäbbad islom!
In spring, fisktärna will arrive but sometimes scarcer silvertärna may join them while on passage. After rain showers in April / May, scarcities such as svarttärna and dvärgmås may drop in too. You may also spot a vit stork going on a jaunt from the local zoo to the south of Filby broad. This is a known locally escaped bird. Summer can be quiter, but the site is fantastic for dragonflies. Keep an eye out for mandarinand, while more notably, keep eyes to the skies for raptors as ormvråk and sparvhök may be seen circling above the lakes. Autumn is a time to look forward to returning winter birds, but if you're lucky, you may see an Fiskgjuse hunting over the Broads, before they make their long journey back to west Africa.
This site is quick and easy, so well worth a quick detour if exploring the Norfolk Broads.
There is a car park off the A1064 on the western side of the lake. Both viewpoints can be accessed from there.
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