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Fernworthy Reservoir is situated on high moorland East of Princetown.
Fernworthy Reservoir is not visited as much as the other moorland reservoirs. It is surrounded by conifer plantations and some deciduous on most sides and is probably best known for it's Mindre korsnäbb, whilst the reservoir is a night time roost for storskrake. This area is surrounded by open moorland and numerous peat bogs.
The B3212 runs West to East across Dartmoor from Princetown (North of Plymouth), passing through Two Bridges and then Postbridge, eventually as the road starts to descend off the high moor after the Warren House Inn, look for signs on the left to Fernworthy on minor roads. Car parking spaces are at the West end of the reservoir.
As well as the marked route on the Southern side of the reservoir, there are numerous paths to the North side, as well as higher moorland.
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