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A mix of semi-natural valley oak woodland and mature and young conifer plantations, with a good selection of woodland birds.
The east and south side of Dipton Wood is a steep-sided valley with oak woods, with a notable population of svartvit flugsnappare and rödstjärt in nestboxes, while most of the rest is pine and spruce plantation, attractive to conifer forest birds including regular trädpiplärka (in the felled and replanted areas), Mindre korsnäbb, and grönsiska. A selection of raptors can also be seen, and both morkulla and nattskärra can be present.
grönsångare formerly bred in the oakwood valley (and may possibly still do so occasionally), and can still turn up on spring passage.
A pleasant half-hour bike ride along quiet but hilly lanes from Riding Mill rail station (3.5 km to first 'P', 5 km to second 'P'). There is also roadside parking for one or two cars at the starting points of the two main footpaths.
Both paths start with 'Public Footpath' signs. Please stick to the footpaths; other tracks within the wood are not open to the public.
Abundant Bilberries (Vaccinium myrtillus) in July/August make for a pleasant picnic addition.
Watch out for anthills, and don't sit on them!
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