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The Town of Dawlish (famous for it's Black Swans), is situated just west of the Exe Estuary.
The town of Dawlish is right on the south coast of Devon and is only separated from the English Channel by the Paddington to Penzance mainline, on the seaward side is the South West Coast Path that goes North towards Dawlish Warren and South towards Teignmouth. The footpath is completely open to all weathers and during stormy conditions can only be described as HAZARDOUS, bird species are exclusively maritime.
From the City of Exeter the A379 takes you to Dawlish, the closest car park (fee payable) is at Dawlish Railway Station, head West from here and walk through tunnel under Paddington to Penzance mainline and then turn North using South West Coast Path, which will eventually take you to Dawlish Warren NNR.
PLEASE NOTE, from 24th June 2024 until 1st July 2024 the railway station car park is temporarily closed whilst work takes place, it is anticipated it will be fully open by the 1st June.
Dawlish is a VERY popular tourist area during summer months and even weekends outside of this period, the beaches though not very wide can be very busy during hot weather.
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