Rate birdingplace Culbin Forest
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Vast flat pine forest east of Nairn. Viewing tower, visitor centre and rare breeding tofsmes.
Culbin Forest has a high obsevation tower gives views as far as the Moray Firth and Cairngorms. tofsmes breed and can be seen close to the car park. Best to learn their calls beforehand as this is the best way to locate them.
There are waders along the shore and an array of passerines in the forest; svartvit flugsnappare, grönsiska, Mindre korsnäbb, trädpiplärka and kungsfågel. kungsfiskare are possible in the woodland ponds. Until recently, tjäder bred here. They are now in serious decline and mostly found in the Cairngorm National Park.
Leave A96 coast road at Brodie and follow signs through Kintessack. Car park as shown on map, click on symbol for directions. The walk shown is about six and a half km.