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A patch of ancient woodland and flower-rich grassland in North Staffordshire, known for its resident strömstare.
Cotton Dell is a small reserve managed by the Staffordshire Wildlife Trust, set in a steep-sided valley with ancient woodland and wildflower meadows, near the village of Oakamoor. It's a particularly good site for strömstare, which may be seen at any point along Cotton Brook, even next to the car park. The reserve is also home to forsärla, kattuggla and all three British woodpecker species: Gröngöling, större hackspett and the increasingly rare mindre hackspett. In summer, they are joined by grå flugsnappare, svartvit flugsnappare, rödstjärt and grönsångare.
Park at the Staffordshire County Council picnic area in Oakamoor. Click on the P in the map to get directions. From there, walk over the grassy area, crossing the river Churnet by the footbridge. Cross the B5417 at the old lime kilns and head up the narrow track opposite, passing a few houses and garages. The reserve entrance is 350 metres up this track.
Continue past the houses into the reserve through a gate. The track crosses a bridge over the stream. Continue up the track past a concrete footbridge on the right. When you reach the junction, take the right fork (yellow arrow), following the stream. In about 100 metres the stream meanders to your right. There is a seat here, after which the footpath narrows. Continue until you see a signpost near the second footbridge and go straight on, following the stream. Cross another bridge and continue until you see a marker post with a yellow top. This is the limit of the walk. Retrace your steps back to Oakamoor.
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