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Woodland with old oaks in a steep sided valley with grasslands.
Coombes Valley Nature Reserve is a woodland reserve managed by the RSPB. The reserve is known for its towering oaks and scenic trails. Breeding woodland birds include rödstjärt, grönsångare, trädgårdssångare, grå flugsnappare and svartvit flugsnappare. In winter, rödvingetrast, björktrast and winter finches are regular visitors. Near the Coombes Brook you can find forsärla and strömstare.
Coombes Valley Nature Reserve is located near Leek in Staffordshire. From Leek, take the A523 road towards Ashbourne. After passing through Bradnop, turn onto the minor road signposted to RSPB Coombes Valley. The reserve is on the left after about a mile. Press P on the map for directions to the car park. The parking is open daily, 9am-9pm (or dusk if earlier, £4 unless you are a RSPB member). Public Transport: Take bus number 108 from Leek to Ashbourne. The bus stop is about 2 kilometers from the reserve entrance.
There are several walking trails with varying difficulty levels. The 4.7-km loop trail indicated on the map has lots of steep parts but enough flat and downhill walks to get your breath back and gives some great views. In winter and after rains the trails can be quite muddy. Walking boots are recommended. The reserve also features facilities such as a visitor center, toilets, and accessible parking.
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