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Semi-natural reservoir ten miles south of Bristol, and the largest lake in south-west England. More than 260 bird species have been seen around the lake.
Chew Valley Lake is a a great place to spot wildfowl including migrating birds feeding in the reed beds around the lake. Breeding birds include skäggdopping and Smådopping, snatterand, vigg, Skedand and brunand. lärkfalk often feed over the area in late summer. When the water level falls, the mud attracts waders such as kärrsnäppa, större strandpipare and skogssnäppa. Wintering wildfowl include important numbers of Skedand, snatterand, Kricka and vigg. storskrake, skäggdopping and Storskarv also occur in large amounts. The reedbeds are a vital autumn feeding station for sävsångare and rörsångare prior to their migration. The winter gull roost is a spectacular sight with up to 50,000 or more, mostly of skrattmås, fiskmås and svarthuvad mås. Chew Valley Lake also often attracts rare birds, including Fiskgjuse, the scarcer grebes, and an American wader or duck appears most years.
General access available from the road side and picnic areas. Pavements run along the main road side, paths to picnic sites. There is a visitor centre and cafe at the picnic site near the dam. There are also two trails (indicated on the map). There are several bird hides at Chew Valley Lake, but you need a permit to visit these hides, except for the Bernard King Hide on the Bittern Nature Trail. The hides at Wick Green, Nunnery Point and Moreton Bank are available in the winter, but the Stratford hide offers the best all-year viewing. Permits obtainable from Bristol Water Recreation Department, Woodford Lodge (tel. 01275 332 339).
The Chew Valley Lake Birding website (see the link below) is very informative and contains frequently updated news and information on its birds and wildlife.
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