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A forestry reserve with lakes, hills and forest, known for röd glada, owned by Natural Resources Wales.
This area has been home to the last resident native population of röd glada, supported by some farmers. There is a daily feeding of these birds at 2pm in winter (GMT) and 3pm in summer (BST), when scores gather in anticipation and then swoop down when the feed is available.
At the visitor centre, the feeding station attracts local passerines and others are visible in trees and on the lake.
The site and its large car park (for which there is a charge) is adjacent to the A44 road. Within the reserve, there are paved paths and other tracks for more adventurous walks.
The postcode is SY23 3AB.
The visitor centre is open from 10am to 5pm seven days a week (except Christmas day, Boxing day and New Year's day).
The café is open from 10am to 5pm seven days a week (except Christmas day, Boxing day and New Year's day). Hot food is served between 10am and 3pm daily.
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