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Buzzards Woodland - Withleigh is in Mid Devon.
Buzzards Woodland (sometimes known as Buzzards or Buzzards Wood), was also once known as Thongsleigh Wood. It was donated to the National Trust (NT) by a Mr Matteson in memory of his wife, his wish was that the wood was to be called Buzzards Woodland after the birds they both enjoyed watching there.
The Little Dart River (not to be confused with the River Dart in South Devon) runs through the valley and eventually joins the River Exe further down stream, there are some steep sections of paths that can become extremely muddy (wear suitable footwear). This site is rarely visited by birdwatchers possibly because most birds are of the more common species, but does have both Otter (Lutra lutra) and Hazel Dormouse (Muscardinus avellanarius) present. The site has some spectacular views over typical Mid Devon 'rolling' farmland/woodland and you are unlikely to meet anyone else other than in Spring when the masses of Bluebells (Hyacinthoides non-scripta) are in flower. It is one of those 'pocket handkerchief' type of sites so very important in the modern world.
As well as ormvråk you can expect to see strömstare, gråhäger, kungsfiskare and gransångare.
Leave the town of Tiverton (3 miles to the East) on the B3137 signed Witheridge, continue on this road and at Withleigh look for a white sign (on the Left) saying 'Parish Church' and T no through road sign, turn off B3137 here onto a narrow (called Thorn Hill). This narrow road gets progressively narrower, on seeing Blue Unsuitable For Motor Vehicles sign turn Left into very small (NT) car park. The circular walk marked on the map is about 4 km long.
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